Pretty cool huh? 3 of 4 from the Coach Ray brood has branched out into hand painting glasses. The design is not quite final but will be available on the pilsner glass shown or a pint glass or a wine glass. Price is yet to be determined but that doesn't matter. Imagine quaffing your favorite adult beverage on the deck overlooking the bay at LBI CC headquarters this fall. Or on the deck overlooking the ocean from the secondary headquarters.
Dishwasher safe - probably not, beer safe - you bet!
Order soon as these one of kind glasses will be going fast and the production team of 3 of 4 and BF will need some time to produce them.
Maybe we can get them to branch out into travel coffee mugs and plastic wine glasses (needed by a certain plover).
Contact Coach Ray for more info.
Plover Out,
Dishwasher safe - probably not? Au contraire, mon ami.
We're working on a super secret patent pending process to make Dishwasher Safe a reality!
WV: prowd. Yes we are.
Dishwasher safe doesn't matter to me since I don't have one, but a beer mug and yes, a couple of travel "coffee" mugs would be snapped up in a millisecond by this branch of the plovers.
WV is ackspa, which is how people from Brooklyn tell kids to request something from their fathers.
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