Friday, October 17, 2008

Plovers lose the first one

The Pres was texting with Plover Sally last night. They lost the first game in Chicago to a Swiss team. They did however enjoy some snuff with them after the game. Not sure where that comes from as a curling tradition. A quote from the text "my nose is dripping brown snot". Pleasant picture to paint.



Plover Sally said...

Well it sad news but the LBI team is LOUT. However they did have fun with the Swiss and touring around Chicago.

DC said...

Snuff? That's what my paternal Grandma used to do, but she was from Louisiana and then Texas, not Switzerland.

R R Rabbids said...

Too bad Doc Johnson wasn't along to show them how to avoid brown drippings. No, not that Doc Johnson. What's the matter with you?